Facing the unknown? We can help
The final phase of the study is interpretation and publication of results. This is how the results from your study are communicated to the medical community and serve to facilitate advances in medical practice. Critical review of the results, with a careful eye on the potential for over-interpretation is a crucial component of the publication process. Most reputable journals now engage statisticians as well as clinicians on the review panel to provide a level assurance of the quality of the publication (and by implication, the study). Many studies fail at this stage due to lack of experience in appropriate interpretation and presentation of results.
At Statistical Revelations we have experienced biostatisticians, who also serve as statistical reviewers on peer-reviewed medical journals, who can work with your team to enhance the quality of the report and improve the chances of publication.
In addition, we can work with your team to review studies reported by others and provide an assessment of the quality of the reports and suitability of the published interpretation.